Excerpted from The Ultimate Freedom,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on July 19, 2023

Freedom, you all want freedom. And yet, as much as you all want freedom, oftentimes it is the very thing you deny yourself because you give your power away to circumstances outside of you, to the illusion of the reality that you are perceiving through your limited senses. You are powerful, and only you can set yourself free from all limitation, from all challenges and struggles, from any degree of suffering that you may be experiencing. 

How do you set yourself free? Quite simply, stop giving your power away to things outside of you, to things in your news, to stories that you hold in your mind from people that you believe are powerful over you, to conditions that you think you cannot change or transform because you are here as a creator, a powerful creator of your reality, and you couldn’t be more free to create anything you wish to experience or desire to experience. 

You are powerful. Some of you may be hearing this for the first time and some of you may have heard us say this hundreds of times. If you’re hearing it, it’s because there is an opportunity for you, dear master, to set yourself free. 

Where do you hold yourself in bondage most of the time? In your mind, with the thoughts you think or the stories you tell yourself and what you believe about yourself. 

You can set yourself free in any moment — stop telling the story, stop holding onto the belief, stop repeating the limitation in your mind. If you think of a story of something that’s happened that makes you feel powerless, stop telling the story. Simply stop. Catch yourself. Be conscious of when you’re unconsciously holding yourself in a story that denies yourself freedom, that denies your power, that denies love. 

It will not take many attempts for you to practice this simple technique and you will quickly realize that the stories you’re telling are not real, are not true, were created by you in your mind to reaffirm to you your powerlessness, to reaffirm to you your belief that you are not free to create your reality exactly as you wish it to be.

Can you create your reality exactly as you wish it to be? Absolutely. Do you do so by forcing and efforting and demanding it your way, on your timeframe? No. Do you do so by co-creating with the consciousness and the energy that has created all of the universe? Ooh, indeed.

We can tell you a few things about your soul. It’s always free. It’s expansive, more expansive than you even have a word for. Your soul is more free than any sort of freedom that you even have a word for. Your soul is light beyond what you can even perceive light to be. Your soul is God beyond anything you can perceive God to be. That is who you really are. That is what you really are. That is what you can realize if it is your choosing. 

Is it your choosing? Is it your choosing to be free, to be free, to be enlightened, to be free, to be realized, to be free, to be sovereign, to be free, to be ascended, to be free, to be powerful, to be free, to expand, and yet know that everything you wish to be you already are?

You are more than you can even possibly perceive. So can you realize into physical form even more than you can possibly perceive? Indeed, by allowing yourself into the energy of your expansion, your power, your freedom, your love, your light. 

We understand that from time to time being specific about something seems to have worked out for you. It wasn’t because you were specific. It’s because you were aware. You were aware of your soul’s desire placed in your heart. That doesn’t need to be so specific, and yet when it is, it’s simply your awareness of your soul’s desires or desire. So then why would you need to continually try to force and effort and control and manipulate the elements of the universe and others when your soul already—for lack of better words—has it all figured out and all that is asked of you is to elevate yourself to a place where you can realize it?

How do you do that? Freedom, innocence, love, presence, not denying your power, not denying the love that you are, not denying your worthiness, not denying your value.

Excerpted from The Ultimate Freedom,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on July 19, 2023


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Audio recording and transcript of the full channeled message, including Q&A, is available to members of the MASTERS CLASS Advanced Program who are subscribed at the time of the recording.

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