Excerpted from The Magnificent Process of True Creation,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on February 7, 2024

It doesn’t matter what has ever happened until this moment here and now. In this moment, you are completely and totally responsible, empowered, inspired. You have everything you need to create the reality of your choosing, the experiences that would be fun for you, whatever they are. There is no should. There is no supposed to. You get to choose. You are free. You are sovereign. You are divine. 

All is here in support of you. All is responding to you. And everything around you is guiding you to the easy, effortless, harmonious way, the way you meant it to be. All that is guiding you is merely so this can be as effortless and harmonious as you intended it to be.

So as you play with all that is here responding to you, guiding you, it’s the inspiration that flows through you that becomes the masterpiece, that is your legacy that you leave, that you contribute to the consciousness, the collective consciousness of all of humankind.

You’re experiencing—because it was your choosing—a summoning of energy on levels you’ve never experienced in physical form before, both individually and collectively. That energy can be powerfully focused as it is summoned into the realization of true creation, or it can fuel your doubt, your belief in limitation, your judgment, your disharmony. The energy will go where you direct it. The energy will flow to that which you are focused upon.

You are experiencing love on levels you have never allowed before. You are experiencing true creation on levels you’ve never allowed before. If it is your choosing, you can experience and allow abundance on levels you’ve never experienced before. If you will allow it, you can receive levels of wellbeing that have never been available like they are now because of the energy you are summoning through your consciousness, because of the collective summoning of energy through the elevation of consciousness that has occurred as a result of you, your elevation of consciousness, the raising of your vibration, the raising of your frequency that is allowing for a summoning of energy never experienced before at this level, which is contributing to the rapid acceleration of the Great Awakening, which is contributing to the rapid acceleration of your realization, which is contributing to the rapid acceleration of your grand, magnificent manifestations and true creation.

This is why slowing down and finding stillness within you to fully align to your power in the moment is more important than ever before. You’re feeling the momentum. You are feeling the quantum acceleration. You are feeling the expansion. 

When you find stillness, when you slow down, when you move into alignment with harmony and peace and joy, you allow. You allow all that you have created to move fully into form for the experience of greater joy, greater fun, more love, more expansion. 

Allow that which you desire, that which you have created, that which is the great manifestations that you have imagined. Imagination is a powerful playground, a powerful canvas, a powerful creative force for manifestation. 

Here’s the thing. You’ve all asked for expansion. You’ve all asked for what’s next. You’ve all asked to up-level. You’ve asked to upgrade. You’ve asked for more. And you’re getting it. And it’s big. And it’s beyond where you’ve ever been before. It’s beyond what you’ve ever known before. It’s beyond what you’ve ever allowed before. It’s beyond what you’ve ever experienced before. And you feel it. You know it’s big. You know it’s big. 

Your only responsibility is to come into such stillness, so centered, so grounded, so balanced, so clear, so focused, so intentional that what once seemed really big isn’t anymore. It’s who you are. It’s who you’ve become. It’s what you’ve always been. It’s not big anymore. It’s obvious. It’s logical. It’s a no-brainer. It was just the next perfect step. And here it is.

Take a deep breath. Let’s once and for all fully allow, receive, and welcome in the grandest manifestation of all, your masterpiece, painted and created in your imagination, summoned and now realized in form.

Excerpted from The Magnificent Process of True Creation,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on February 7, 2024

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Audio recording and transcript of the full channeled message, including Q&A, is available to members of the MASTERS CLASS Advanced Program who are subscribed at the time of the recording.

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