Excerpted from Powerful, Free, Unlimited,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on July 5, 2023

You are powerful, and you are free to create your reality as you wish it to be. You are powerful, and you are free to live your heart’s desire. You are powerful, and you are free to be all that you are in every moment. You are powerful, and you are free to love your life, and to love yourself, and to do the things that bring you joy, and do the things you love. 

You are here to play and create. You are here to play, create, and dance with all that is here for you. Everything in this experience is here for you. Your journey to realizing your soul’s desires in physical form is the very reason you focused yourself into this experience of life on Earth. You came to realize your desires into physical form so that you could experience them and expand and more fully express all that you are as the powerful creator that you are.

You are powerful, and you are free. You are powerful, and you are free. You are powerful, and you are free to realize your desires, that of your soul and that of your heart, into physical form. Notice that we use the word real-ize. Not manifest from lack and limitation or the absence of or separation from, but to real-ize it into your experience. Because we assure you it’s already here, it already exists. If you can see it, if you can feel it, if you know it, you can realize it. 

You truly are far more powerful than you know yourself to be. You are far more free to create your reality than you have ever allowed yourself to experience before. 

For some time, we have been speaking of new levels of consciousness, new energy, new realities opening up to you in this experience of the new you and the New Earth. This is the time we were referring to. While you first may have heard that or you may be hearing it for the very first time here and now, new energy, new consciousness, new realities, a whole New Earth, and a whole new you.

When we say in New Earth, we really are referring to your experience of your life on Earth. You are here to realize your highest potential in all areas of your life. You can fully realize abundance now. You can fully realize wellbeing now. You can fully realize love now. You can fully realize peace now. You can fully realize joy now. And as you allow yourself to fully realize your heart’s desires and your soul’s desires in physical form here and now, we assure you that has to expand every area of your life — your relationships, your body, your creativity, your inspiration, your level of intuition, your level of prosperity, your level of freedom. There is absolutely nothing that you cannot realize if it is your choosing to experience it as reality.

We have talked about going beyond needing and wanting. We have talked about going beyond lack and limitation. We have talked about going beyond hope and faith and trust into absolute knowing. There could be no better way of explaining what it’s like to be in absolute knowing than the heart of creation

That is the place of absolute knowing. The heart, the powerhouse of all creation, is in your knowing, your absolute knowing. Not your wishing. Not your needing. Not your wanting. Your absolute knowing is the heart of creation, the heart of where you create your reality, the heart of where you realize your desires into form, in absolute knowing.

Allow yourself to go beyond limitation into the realms of pure potential and possibility, that which you might call your imagination, your awakened dream state, your place of feeling into the knowing of all that you are, where anything and everything is possible for you. When you allow yourself there more easily and you stay there longer and you enjoy playing and creating in pure potential and possibility, which you may refer to as imagination but is truly a dimension of consciousness that exists and is available to you— 

As you allow your experience in physical form to be peaceful and harmonious and joyful, focusing on those things that bring you joy, feeling happier, feeling more love, feeling greater wellbeing and abundance in your experience, your experience of form begins to look very different to you than it ever has before. This is that new energy and new consciousness moving into a new experience of you, a new reality, and a New Earth. And there is that, of a peaceful, beautiful, harmonious, abundant, loving, joyful, physical experience, and that of expansion into the heart of creation, the powerhouse of all creation, where you play in the realms of pure potential and possibility, where you know that just because it’s fluid and formless does not mean that it is not real. It is the realization in the fluid and formless that allows it to move into your physical reality.

Excerpted from Powerful, Free, Unlimited,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on July 5, 2023


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Audio recording and transcript of the full channeled message, including Q&A, is available to members of the MASTERS CLASS Advanced Program who are subscribed at the time of the recording.

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