Excerpted from A Grand Time of Expansion & Momentum,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 3, 2024

It is a grand time of expansion, momentum, and realizing your magnificence. You have been leading up to this time for days, for months, for years, for decades, for the excitement of this time where you will experience the expansion, the momentum, the true creation that you have been preparing for. And we say preparing for because your ability to experience the quantum leaps and the expansiveness of this time are something that you truly prepared for.

Not everyone has been preparing. Not everyone has felt the call to this time now and what is possible, but you have or you wouldn’t be here. And you have prepared, you have awakened, you have moved into realization. You have elevated yourself into the 5th Dimension of pure love. You are aligned to greater levels of self-love and self-worth, which are foundational for this time and all that is possible for you now.

It is you realizing your biggest dreams, the ultimate expression of who you are, and the highest expression of your soul in form. And yet you would say, I’m ready, give it to me. I need it. I can handle it. I can do this. Where is it? Why hasn’t it happened? Where is this momentum? Where are these quantum leaps?

That was all time that you were preparing for true creation as an impeccable creator. The time that it has taken for you to fully come into your mastery has been perfect yet divinely orchestrated and guided, and it is here, and it is now. And your own levels of self-love and self-worth have been such a pivotal and important part of you preparing for now, for this.

When you are continually denying love for yourself, when you are doubting your worthiness, you may desire amazing things, you may want the magic and the miracles, but without self-love and a knowing of your worthiness you cannot allow that which is here and available to you. When you are denying love for yourself, you are denying true creation. When you are denying love for yourself, you are denying the magic, the miracle, the master that you are.

Remember, I am the magic. I am the miracle. I am. I am the master. I am the grandest manifestation of all. It is you. So when you’re denying love for yourself or denying your worthiness, you are denying the magic, the miracles, the mastery, the grand manifestations and experiences of true creation. But as you have become aware of fully, completely, radically loving yourself on every level, you are allowing all that is in place to be presented to you in the most magnificent and exciting ways.

When you are denying that you’re worthy, that you’re enough, when you don’t feel like you’re enough yet — I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do, what should I do? what am I supposed to do? what am I supposed to be doing? I wish I knew my purpose — when you are doubting that you are worthy of those dreams in your heart, you cannot allow true creation at its best, in the most easy, effortless, harmonious way to present itself to you in ways that surprise you and delight you and excite you. When you are not allowing yourself to live a passionate life, you are not allowing the grace, miracles, the magic of true creation. 

All of this has been part of your journey to realizing your power, the love that you are, the pure love that surrounds you, knowing your infinite worthiness without question. As you do this, you know that you are always evolving, expanding, becoming more, yet you are everything you wish to be, you already are. When you know that and you allow the magic of infinite knowing and infinite worthiness, and you combine that with living a passionate life and experiencing such deep levels of your own self-love, you open the door to this time, to the magic, to the miracles, to the grand manifestations, and so much more.

Excerpted from A Grand Time of Expansion & Momentum,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 3, 2024



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Enjoy the channeled mp3 from The Council that this blog was excerpted from — approximately 40 minutes long!


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YOU’RE WORTH IT! — A Journey to Knowing You Are Worthy of Having It All

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Audio recording and transcript of the full channeled message, including Q&A, is available to members of the MASTERS CLASS Advanced Program who are subscribed at the time of the recording.

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