“When you’re grounded and present and conscious in the moment and open and allowing, you expand your life and all sorts of worlds start opening up to you and presenting themselves to you and becoming a resource to you, an opportunity for you to expand what you ever thought was possible from a human perspective. 

You think you love life now? Just wait. Just wait until you really start allowing magical and miraculous things to present themselves to you.”

“When you’re grounded and present and conscious in the moment and open and allowing, you expand your life and all sorts of worlds start opening up to you and presenting themselves to you and becoming a resource to you, an opportunity for you to expand what you ever thought was possible from a human perspective. 

You think you love life now? Just wait. Just wait until you really start allowing magical and miraculous things to present themselves to you.”

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 19, 2020


We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to be here with you on this extraordinary day indeed. Extraordinary, extra ordinary, extra special, extra exciting, extra magnificent. That’s where your lives are going, and that’s where your opportunities lie in this moment for the extra-ordinary experience of life and living an extraordinary life, a miraculous life, a magical life, here and now.

There’s nothing for you to achieve before you live an extraordinary life. There is no level of achievement. There’s no badge of honor you must receive. There’s no one’s permission that you need to live an extraordinary life at the highest level, living your fullest potential in your life every day, which means the fullness of all that you are, the fullness of all that you are in every moment.

Stop trying to figure it out. Stop trying to achieve some level. Stop trying to get to that moment where you are anointed or that you are crowned the medal of enlightenment. Stop trying to figure it out, and live and be and allow it, allow it, allow it. You’re already enlightened. You’re already realized. You were before you came here. You were. And you have been in this incredible experience of form and exploring different levels of density. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 19, 2020


We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to be here with you on this extraordinary day indeed. Extraordinary, extra ordinary, extra special, extra exciting, extra magnificent. That’s where your lives are going, and that’s where your opportunities lie in this moment for the extra-ordinary experience of life and living an extraordinary life, a miraculous life, a magical life, here and now.

There’s nothing for you to achieve before you live an extraordinary life. There is no level of achievement. There’s no badge of honor you must receive. There’s no one’s permission that you need to live an extraordinary life at the highest level, living your fullest potential in your life every day, which means the fullness of all that you are, the fullness of all that you are in every moment.

Stop trying to figure it out. Stop trying to achieve some level. Stop trying to get to that moment where you are anointed or that you are crowned the medal of enlightenment. Stop trying to figure it out, and live and be and allow it, allow it, allow it. You’re already enlightened. You’re already realized. You were before you came here. You were. And you have been in this incredible experience of form and exploring different levels of density. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Do you really love your life? Do you really love life and the human experience? Because we have said, with all great mastery, it involves great love. There isn’t anyone who ever mastered anything without love. To master a talent, to master an ability, to master even a relationship takes great love. Great love. You want to master your life experience, but do you really, really love the human experience? Do you really love life? Do you really love living?

Do you really love your life? Do you really love life and the human experience? Because we have said, with all great mastery, it involves great love. There isn’t anyone who ever mastered anything without love. To master a talent, to master an ability, to master even a relationship takes great love. Great love. You want to master your life experience, but do you really, really love the human experience? Do you really love life? Do you really love living?

Some of you can say yes to that. Some of you are still unsure, which means that you’re not allowing all of the beauty, all of the creation, all of the brilliance, all of the magnificence that is here for you.

We know your human minds still can’t quite grasp that this is all here for you. It’s all here for you, for you to love, for you to enjoy, for you to find beauty and to delight in. It’s all here for you so that you can have fun, so that you can create, so that you can play, so that you can relate to reality, pretending that it’s not you, pretending that it’s somehow separate from you, so that you can find curiosity and new experiences and new levels of awareness of you and all that you are.

Your reality is an extension of you. Do you love you? Do you love your reality? Do you love the extension of you that’s all around you? Love it. Love it. Love it. When you really love it, you allow yourself to emerge into a level of awareness of your magnificence and your innocence like never before. You emerge into an awareness of your power, knowing that you never ever need to force anything again. To emerge into a new level of awareness of your power without needing to ever force or control or manipulate or figure anything out ever again.

How great would that be? How great would it be that every day was magical? How great would it be where everything that you related to every day reflected a brilliance to you, a miraculous, magical reflection of your playfulness, of your innocence, of your absolute joy, your absolute joy?

Some of you would say, well, I can’t really love life because these circumstances, these conditions, these people I’m relating to, these things I’m relating to, this job I’m relating to, this world that I can’t relate to because it’s so different than me, because it’s not the way I want it to be. Yet your focus on that, your attention on that, just keeps you in an experience where what you relate to feels so different than you.

It’s not. It’s just your opportunity for clarity, for confidence, for certainty. Isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that how you want to live your life with clarity, with confidence, with certainty, with total trust in you and your power and your ability to stay conscious and your ability to stay present in the moment and in your power, and your ability to stay open and allow and receive in every moment?

There’s not one of you, not any one of you, who has even yet received even a small majority of all of the goodness that is here for you. Part of being a great master is to fully receive all that is here for you, knowing everything is an extension of you, so there’s no separation ever. But again, when you go into judgment, when you go into fear, when you go into worry, you separate yourself from everything that’s here for you, of you. You create a separation, you create a gap, and then your relation to it is that it’s out there and you’re here and it’s not where you want it and you’re not where you want to be. So, you start trying to figure it out and you start trying to go and push and force and manipulate and control and make it all happen your way.

Hear this loud and clear. When you’re in lower dimensions of consciousness, when you are in resistance, reaction, you are going to move yourself down into a state of consciousness where lack and separation and fear exist. If you allow yourself to stay open and present and conscious, you will easily be in the vibration where there are higher dimensional emotions, where you open up fully to all of your power, to all that is here for you, and you allow yourself to receive, receive, receive.

What are you receiving? You hear us say that. What are you receiving? Well, you’re receiving the only thing that’s in everything. The only thing that’s in everything is energy. Fear is not in everything. Energy is in everything. Money is energy. Healing is energy. Your body is energy. Your relationships are energy. They are. Everything is energy. You are energy. And everything is consciousness. You expand your consciousness by allowing more energy.

Consciousness is where it’s all at. Consciousness and energy are where it’s all at, because from a higher state of consciousness this life experience is easy to master. From higher states of consciousness this life experience is quite simple. And it can be everything you intended it to be. You can be everything that you are. And you will love your life in a way you never ever thought possible because you were so focused on all the things that you had to have and had to do and had to change, and all the circumstances that you’d have to figure out in order to get your life to a certain level so then you could love it, instead of just allowing it right now.

Some of you can say yes to that. Some of you are still unsure, which means that you’re not allowing all of the beauty, all of the creation, all of the brilliance, all of the magnificence that is here for you.

We know your human minds still can’t quite grasp that this is all here for you. It’s all here for you, for you to love, for you to enjoy, for you to find beauty and to delight in. It’s all here for you so that you can have fun, so that you can create, so that you can play, so that you can relate to reality, pretending that it’s not you, pretending that it’s somehow separate from you, so that you can find curiosity and new experiences and new levels of awareness of you and all that you are.

Your reality is an extension of you. Do you love you? Do you love your reality? Do you love the extension of you that’s all around you? Love it. Love it. Love it. When you really love it, you allow yourself to emerge into a level of awareness of your magnificence and your innocence like never before. You emerge into an awareness of your power, knowing that you never ever need to force anything again. To emerge into a new level of awareness of your power without needing to ever force or control or manipulate or figure anything out ever again.

How great would that be? How great would it be that every day was magical? How great would it be where everything that you related to every day reflected a brilliance to you, a miraculous, magical reflection of your playfulness, of your innocence, of your absolute joy, your absolute joy?

Some of you would say, well, I can’t really love life because these circumstances, these conditions, these people I’m relating to, these things I’m relating to, this job I’m relating to, this world that I can’t relate to because it’s so different than me, because it’s not the way I want it to be. Yet your focus on that, your attention on that, just keeps you in an experience where what you relate to feels so different than you.

It’s not. It’s just your opportunity for clarity, for confidence, for certainty. Isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that how you want to live your life with clarity, with confidence, with certainty, with total trust in you and your power and your ability to stay conscious and your ability to stay present in the moment and in your power, and your ability to stay open and allow and receive in every moment?

There’s not one of you, not any one of you, who has even yet received even a small majority of all of the goodness that is here for you. Part of being a great master is to fully receive all that is here for you, knowing everything is an extension of you, so there’s no separation ever. But again, when you go into judgment, when you go into fear, when you go into worry, you separate yourself from everything that’s here for you, of you. You create a separation, you create a gap, and then your relation to it is that it’s out there and you’re here and it’s not where you want it and you’re not where you want to be. So, you start trying to figure it out and you start trying to go and push and force and manipulate and control and make it all happen your way.

Hear this loud and clear. When you’re in lower dimensions of consciousness, when you are in resistance, reaction, you are going to move yourself down into a state of consciousness where lack and separation and fear exist. If you allow yourself to stay open and present and conscious, you will easily be in the vibration where there are higher dimensional emotions, where you open up fully to all of your power, to all that is here for you, and you allow yourself to receive, receive, receive.

What are you receiving? You hear us say that. What are you receiving? Well, you’re receiving the only thing that’s in everything. The only thing that’s in everything is energy. Fear is not in everything. Energy is in everything. Money is energy. Healing is energy. Your body is energy. Your relationships are energy. They are. Everything is energy. You are energy. And everything is consciousness. You expand your consciousness by allowing more energy.

Consciousness is where it’s all at. Consciousness and energy are where it’s all at, because from a higher state of consciousness this life experience is easy to master. From higher states of consciousness this life experience is quite simple. And it can be everything you intended it to be. You can be everything that you are. And you will love your life in a way you never ever thought possible because you were so focused on all the things that you had to have and had to do and had to change, and all the circumstances that you’d have to figure out in order to get your life to a certain level so then you could love it, instead of just allowing it right now.

That’s what the master knows. It knows consciousness and knows energy and now knows how to merge them into the greatest level of power and the greatest level of openness and allowing so that they can receive anything and everything that is here in this moment, to serve them, and to serve through them.

All of you, all of you desire deeply to be in service. It is not an expectation of you, but you are at levels of consciousness where you deeply desire to contribute, to serve, to make a difference, to make it better, to make it easier. Most all of you even hold the vision of contributing to the Great Awakening of humanity, to the elevation into New Earth, to the Great Ascension. You all want to serve in positively contributing to raising the vibration of the planet, to raising the consciousness level of the planet.

You know what’s coming, don’t you? In order to do that you have got to raise your own. That’s the only way. If you want to raise the energy to access New Earth or to access the Great Awakening, you have to raise your own energy. To positively contribute to raising the consciousness level on the planet, you’ve got to raise your own. That is the greatest way you serve. That is the greatest way you contribute.

Yes, yes, yes, there will be things that you do, and there will be groups that you serve, and there will be people that you lead, and there will be projects and services and products that you share with the world. But do not forget the most important piece of it all is your consciousness and where your energy is, whether you’re open and allowing your energy and allowing energy to serve you and to serve through you so that you can elevate your consciousness to the highest level. That’s it. You will serve in raising the consciousness level of humanity.

You can do all of this without ever again entangling with trauma, drama, suffering, or lower-dimensional emotions where you move back into density and struggle. You can transcend it at any moment. Don’t try to figure it out. Don’t try to force it. It only happens through opening and allowing. Open and allow your joy. Open and allow your beauty. Open and allow inspiration and creativity. Open your heart. Open your eyes. Open your arms up wide. Say yes to this day, say yes to your life, say yes to loving your life and loving this world and loving this human experience. That’s all it takes!

No badge of honor. No specific achievement. No passing any test. No waiting for someone to anoint you and tell you you have permission now. But if you need it, you have permission now, but it’s the permission you give yourself. It’s permission to the Self, capital S Self. It’s you giving permission to the Self, the part of you that is consciousness, the part of you that is energy, the part of you that has never forgotten who you really are and knew how perfect you were and how perfect this experience was even when you had forgotten. It’s coming home to you, giving permission to the Self, opening and allowing you and all that you are and all of your power and all that is here for you.

We understand it’s a practice. It is simple, almost so simple your human brain wants it to be more difficult. And because it’s not more difficult, you just go back and do the difficult stuff. It takes a lot of work to hold yourself in density. It takes a lot of work to be in suffering and pain and struggle. It really does. That’s what creates work. It takes a lot of work.

Doesn’t have to be that hard, but you’re given this magnificent ability to think and perceive and to conceptualize and to analyze and to memorize. You have free will to think anything you choose. Which means when you’re so free to choose any thought and you think really terrible, awful thoughts about yourself or others or about your world or you think hopeless thoughts or mean thoughts even about yourself, you’re free to choose. That’s how free you are.

If you think of animals, for example, most all of you would say that in the presence of an animal you feel their pure Source Energy. You feel their innocence, you feel this love, you feel this sentient being that’s so divine, and you marvel in the animals so much because they are closer to pure Source Energy, because they’re most all of the time completely and totally open and allowing because they’re not limiting energy through their thinking by dragging themselves into lower dimensions of consciousness.

Now, we would agree that some animals that go through certain experiences or traumatic experiences also take on limitation. We’re not going to say you transmute heavy, dense, negative emotions and thinking onto animals. However, they are very domesticated for most of you, living in your space, and continuously exposed to your consciousness, and they begin to be more susceptible to what’s going on in your field of consciousness.

The greatest thing that you could do for your animals is to open and allow your own energy, to expand your own consciousness, to be in a state of peace and joy and love and freedom and openness, and less in your thinking mind. All of you, if you did, would notice that communication with the animals is becoming easier than ever before. Those of you who even thought you didn’t have ability to communicate with animals will start noticing that you do.

This is oneness. This is an expansion of your consciousness, of what’s possible. This is also beginning to elevate your experience beyond a lot of the limitation. Communicating in verbal, spoken words is actually a bit of a limitation that you experience in density because of how your human minds process information. The animals are always communicating to you, just like all of those in non-physical are always with you and always available to you and always communicating with you. But they’re at such a rate of vibration that your physical senses don’t really pick up the lightness or the subtleness or the high frequency of their communication or their presence. The next level down from that would be nature, and the next level down from that would be animals. Then the next level down from that is human communication.

So let’s talk about nature. As you start tuning into being able to communicate through your consciousness and your vibration with animals, you begin to open yourself up to nature and the natural world around you and the wisdom in it, the knowledge that exists there, the intelligence that exists there, and the communication that’s always available to you, and you can start co-creating, collaborating, connecting to nature and all that is here for you on such a deeper level.

The trees are part of systems. The trees are part of intelligence. They’re part of ancient wisdom. The land, the fields, the grass, the mountains, the oceans, they all carry wisdom, they all carry knowledge, they all carry consciousness. You can start harmonizing with all of that. There is also a whole unseen-by-the-human-eye world of intelligence that exists all around you all the time. That’s sort of what you call divine orchestration or even magic, magical things. That’s why you tend to associate things like unicorns and fairies and elementals as this sort of magical source and the magical world, the fantasy world, the fairytale world.

That’s what the master knows. It knows consciousness and knows energy and now knows how to merge them into the greatest level of power and the greatest level of openness and allowing so that they can receive anything and everything that is here in this moment, to serve them, and to serve through them.

All of you, all of you desire deeply to be in service. It is not an expectation of you, but you are at levels of consciousness where you deeply desire to contribute, to serve, to make a difference, to make it better, to make it easier. Most all of you even hold the vision of contributing to the Great Awakening of humanity, to the elevation into New Earth, to the Great Ascension. You all want to serve in positively contributing to raising the vibration of the planet, to raising the consciousness level of the planet.

You know what’s coming, don’t you? In order to do that you have got to raise your own. That’s the only way. If you want to raise the energy to access New Earth or to access the Great Awakening, you have to raise your own energy. To positively contribute to raising the consciousness level on the planet, you’ve got to raise your own. That is the greatest way you serve. That is the greatest way you contribute.

Yes, yes, yes, there will be things that you do, and there will be groups that you serve, and there will be people that you lead, and there will be projects and services and products that you share with the world. But do not forget the most important piece of it all is your consciousness and where your energy is, whether you’re open and allowing your energy and allowing energy to serve you and to serve through you so that you can elevate your consciousness to the highest level. That’s it. You will serve in raising the consciousness level of humanity.

You can do all of this without ever again entangling with trauma, drama, suffering, or lower-dimensional emotions where you move back into density and struggle. You can transcend it at any moment. Don’t try to figure it out. Don’t try to force it. It only happens through opening and allowing. Open and allow your joy. Open and allow your beauty. Open and allow inspiration and creativity. Open your heart. Open your eyes. Open your arms up wide. Say yes to this day, say yes to your life, say yes to loving your life and loving this world and loving this human experience. That’s all it takes!

No badge of honor. No specific achievement. No passing any test. No waiting for someone to anoint you and tell you you have permission now. But if you need it, you have permission now, but it’s the permission you give yourself. It’s permission to the Self, capital S Self. It’s you giving permission to the Self, the part of you that is consciousness, the part of you that is energy, the part of you that has never forgotten who you really are and knew how perfect you were and how perfect this experience was even when you had forgotten. It’s coming home to you, giving permission to the Self, opening and allowing you and all that you are and all of your power and all that is here for you.

We understand it’s a practice. It is simple, almost so simple your human brain wants it to be more difficult. And because it’s not more difficult, you just go back and do the difficult stuff. It takes a lot of work to hold yourself in density. It takes a lot of work to be in suffering and pain and struggle. It really does. That’s what creates work. It takes a lot of work.

Doesn’t have to be that hard, but you’re given this magnificent ability to think and perceive and to conceptualize and to analyze and to memorize. You have free will to think anything you choose. Which means when you’re so free to choose any thought and you think really terrible, awful thoughts about yourself or others or about your world or you think hopeless thoughts or mean thoughts even about yourself, you’re free to choose. That’s how free you are.

If you think of animals, for example, most all of you would say that in the presence of an animal you feel their pure Source Energy. You feel their innocence, you feel this love, you feel this sentient being that’s so divine, and you marvel in the animals so much because they are closer to pure Source Energy, because they’re most all of the time completely and totally open and allowing because they’re not limiting energy through their thinking by dragging themselves into lower dimensions of consciousness.

Now, we would agree that some animals that go through certain experiences or traumatic experiences also take on limitation. We’re not going to say you transmute heavy, dense, negative emotions and thinking onto animals. However, they are very domesticated for most of you, living in your space, and continuously exposed to your consciousness, and they begin to be more susceptible to what’s going on in your field of consciousness.

The greatest thing that you could do for your animals is to open and allow your own energy, to expand your own consciousness, to be in a state of peace and joy and love and freedom and openness, and less in your thinking mind. All of you, if you did, would notice that communication with the animals is becoming easier than ever before. Those of you who even thought you didn’t have ability to communicate with animals will start noticing that you do.

This is oneness. This is an expansion of your consciousness, of what’s possible. This is also beginning to elevate your experience beyond a lot of the limitation. Communicating in verbal, spoken words is actually a bit of a limitation that you experience in density because of how your human minds process information. The animals are always communicating to you, just like all of those in non-physical are always with you and always available to you and always communicating with you. But they’re at such a rate of vibration that your physical senses don’t really pick up the lightness or the subtleness or the high frequency of their communication or their presence. The next level down from that would be nature, and the next level down from that would be animals. Then the next level down from that is human communication.

So let’s talk about nature. As you start tuning into being able to communicate through your consciousness and your vibration with animals, you begin to open yourself up to nature and the natural world around you and the wisdom in it, the knowledge that exists there, the intelligence that exists there, and the communication that’s always available to you, and you can start co-creating, collaborating, connecting to nature and all that is here for you on such a deeper level.

The trees are part of systems. The trees are part of intelligence. They’re part of ancient wisdom. The land, the fields, the grass, the mountains, the oceans, they all carry wisdom, they all carry knowledge, they all carry consciousness. You can start harmonizing with all of that. There is also a whole unseen-by-the-human-eye world of intelligence that exists all around you all the time. That’s sort of what you call divine orchestration or even magic, magical things. That’s why you tend to associate things like unicorns and fairies and elementals as this sort of magical source and the magical world, the fantasy world, the fairytale world.

Don’t you all want the fairytale world? That doesn’t mean you’re not grounded and conscious and present in the moment. It actually means precisely that. When you’re grounded and present and conscious in the moment and open and allowing, you expand your life and all sorts of worlds start opening up to you and presenting themselves to you and becoming a resource to you, an opportunity for you to expand what you ever thought was possible from a human perspective. You think you love life now? Just wait. Just wait until you really start allowing magical and miraculous things to present themselves to you. Oh.

Don’t you all want the fairytale world? That doesn’t mean you’re not grounded and conscious and present in the moment. It actually means precisely that. When you’re grounded and present and conscious in the moment and open and allowing, you expand your life and all sorts of worlds start opening up to you and presenting themselves to you and becoming a resource to you, an opportunity for you to expand what you ever thought was possible from a human perspective. You think you love life now? Just wait. Just wait until you really start allowing magical and miraculous things to present themselves to you. Oh.

This is it. This is why you’re here. This is what you’ve been preparing for. This is why you have come to the place of remembering. You are creating the New Earth. You are creating Heaven on Earth. Although we will say, and your human mind won’t quite understand what we mean by this, you already created it. You just stepped into physical form to experience it because it’s the best thing ever.

Of course in a New Earth or Heaven on Earth there’s more. There’s more than just what was in the lower dimensions of consciousness within the human experience. There’s more. And it’s not about doing tricks. It’s not about an illusion. It’s not about a level of magic and mastery where you perform tricks or you use your supernatural talents to entertain others or to fix others or to change others or to do what you think needs to be done. No, it’s not any of that. It’s opening and allowing and living at a level of mastery where you have absolutely redefined what’s possible. Through you living your fullest potential and expanding what is possible, you seed human consciousness and the human experience with these greater potentials and possibilities, all from a place of being fully grounded, fully present, fully conscious, in the now moment, in the human experience, but expanding it with your consciousness, your awareness, and your energy.

It’s not about doing the impossible, because doing the impossible takes a lot of force. It’s not about any of that. It’s about reimagining what’s possible, redefining what’s possible, reprogramming yourself about what you know, rather than what you believe, what you know is possible. Redefining what is possible.

Are you starting to get excited about your life? Are you starting to get really excited about where this is all going? Indeed. All that’s left to do is open up and allow and love yourself and love your life and be here now, conscious and present in every moment. But allow your awareness to open up to more. To more. That is how you serve in the Great Awakening. That is how you positively contribute to expanding human consciousness. That is how you elevate the vibration on the planet, through you. Through you.

This is it. This is why you’re here. This is what you’ve been preparing for. This is why you have come to the place of remembering. You are creating the New Earth. You are creating Heaven on Earth. Although we will say, and your human mind won’t quite understand what we mean by this, you already created it. You just stepped into physical form to experience it because it’s the best thing ever.

Of course in a New Earth or Heaven on Earth there’s more. There’s more than just what was in the lower dimensions of consciousness within the human experience. There’s more. And it’s not about doing tricks. It’s not about an illusion. It’s not about a level of magic and mastery where you perform tricks or you use your supernatural talents to entertain others or to fix others or to change others or to do what you think needs to be done. No, it’s not any of that. It’s opening and allowing and living at a level of mastery where you have absolutely redefined what’s possible. Through you living your fullest potential and expanding what is possible, you seed human consciousness and the human experience with these greater potentials and possibilities, all from a place of being fully grounded, fully present, fully conscious, in the now moment, in the human experience, but expanding it with your consciousness, your awareness, and your energy.

It’s not about doing the impossible, because doing the impossible takes a lot of force. It’s not about any of that. It’s about reimagining what’s possible, redefining what’s possible, reprogramming yourself about what you know, rather than what you believe, what you know is possible. Redefining what is possible.

Are you starting to get excited about your life? Are you starting to get really excited about where this is all going? Indeed. All that’s left to do is open up and allow and love yourself and love your life and be here now, conscious and present in every moment. But allow your awareness to open up to more. To more. That is how you serve in the Great Awakening. That is how you positively contribute to expanding human consciousness. That is how you elevate the vibration on the planet, through you. Through you.

We’ll just take one more opportunity to help you really shift and understand this conversation around consciousness. Everything on the planet that you deem as wrong and bad is merely a matter of consciousness. Some of you still think consciousness is about what sort of food you choose to eat or you don’t choose to eat. Some of you think consciousness is still about a particular political party that’s more conscious than the other—about what? Some of you believe that consciousness is still very much about how to manifest more stuff.

We’ll just take one more opportunity to help you really shift and understand this conversation around consciousness. Everything on the planet that you deem as wrong and bad is merely a matter of consciousness. Some of you still think consciousness is about what sort of food you choose to eat or you don’t choose to eat. Some of you think consciousness is still about a particular political party that’s more conscious than the other—about what? Some of you believe that consciousness is still very much about how to manifest more stuff.

It’s all of that, yes. However, that’s not really what we’re talking about. There are multiple different levels of consciousness. We’re just guiding you to open up to the highest level of consciousness possible in the human experience, the grandest perspective, so that you have the highest viewpoint of the human experience, and in that you will serve in the greatest possible ways and contribute in ways that your human brain will never understand.

Where there is struggle and suffering, where there are challenges, where there are problems, we don’t want you to think about them that way anymore. We want you to think about them from a viewpoint of consciousness. It’s just where the consciousness is in that place at that time. It’s just where that person’s consciousness is in that place at that time. And that’s why there’s nothing wrong and it’s not bad and it doesn’t need to be fixed.

We understand from our viewpoint where your consciousness has been at different points of time. And there’s no judgement from our side ever. You even know when you have been in different states of consciousness at different times and the level of suffering that occurred when you were in lower states of consciousness, and the choices you made from there, and the trauma and the drama that was created from the lack of consciousness, and the suffering that was created from that lack of consciousness. It wasn’t you being bad or doing something wrong that you are somehow going to get punished for or create negative karma about. No. It was just your state of consciousness at that time.

Part of the free-will experience is your ability at any time to determine how much energy you’re opening and allowing, which determines the level of consciousness you’re in. You have the free will to choose the thoughts you’re thinking, and you have the free will to create the beliefs you want to create, and you have the free will to create your reality. You have it all.

Your political parties are just in different states of consciousness. Your government altogether is in a state of consciousness. Where there’s starvation in the world, where there’s poverty, it’s a state of consciousness. Where there is incarceration and victims and powerlessness, it’s just a state of consciousness. We know it seems like a really big deal, but it’s just a different state of consciousness. It’s not the truth of who you are. You’re energy, and you’re consciousness.

There really isn’t anything more important than you staying open and allowing energy to serve you and to serve through you. But we don’t want to talk to you about letting energy serve through you quite yet, because you start to get into expectation, specificness, you looking around, judging what’s not right and needs to be fixed, and who needs to be healed, and then you start flowing energy to them, and that’s not what we’re talking about. We want you to really master allowing energy from a state of innocence and being fully impeccable, which is just open and allow and receive and stay conscious and present. Feel it, be present to the energy.

It’s all of that, yes. However, that’s not really what we’re talking about. There are multiple different levels of consciousness. We’re just guiding you to open up to the highest level of consciousness possible in the human experience, the grandest perspective, so that you have the highest viewpoint of the human experience, and in that you will serve in the greatest possible ways and contribute in ways that your human brain will never understand.

Where there is struggle and suffering, where there are challenges, where there are problems, we don’t want you to think about them that way anymore. We want you to think about them from a viewpoint of consciousness. It’s just where the consciousness is in that place at that time. It’s just where that person’s consciousness is in that place at that time. And that’s why there’s nothing wrong and it’s not bad and it doesn’t need to be fixed.

We understand from our viewpoint where your consciousness has been at different points of time. And there’s no judgement from our side ever. You even know when you have been in different states of consciousness at different times and the level of suffering that occurred when you were in lower states of consciousness, and the choices you made from there, and the trauma and the drama that was created from the lack of consciousness, and the suffering that was created from that lack of consciousness. It wasn’t you being bad or doing something wrong that you are somehow going to get punished for or create negative karma about. No. It was just your state of consciousness at that time.

Part of the free-will experience is your ability at any time to determine how much energy you’re opening and allowing, which determines the level of consciousness you’re in. You have the free will to choose the thoughts you’re thinking, and you have the free will to create the beliefs you want to create, and you have the free will to create your reality. You have it all.

Your political parties are just in different states of consciousness. Your government altogether is in a state of consciousness. Where there’s starvation in the world, where there’s poverty, it’s a state of consciousness. Where there is incarceration and victims and powerlessness, it’s just a state of consciousness. We know it seems like a really big deal, but it’s just a different state of consciousness. It’s not the truth of who you are. You’re energy, and you’re consciousness.

There really isn’t anything more important than you staying open and allowing energy to serve you and to serve through you. But we don’t want to talk to you about letting energy serve through you quite yet, because you start to get into expectation, specificness, you looking around, judging what’s not right and needs to be fixed, and who needs to be healed, and then you start flowing energy to them, and that’s not what we’re talking about. We want you to really master allowing energy from a state of innocence and being fully impeccable, which is just open and allow and receive and stay conscious and present. Feel it, be present to the energy.

Innocence means you’re free. Innocence means you’re light-hearted. All is well, you’re joyful, you’re uplifted, there’s that twinkle in your eye, there’s that radiance about you. That’s innocence. Anytime you need to open up to your innocence, shift your gaze up to the sky, look up towards the sun or the beautiful clouds in the sky or the moon or the stars and smile.

There’s this whole big universe and then there’s you, and you’re the center of the universe, and the whole universe is here for you. If that does not shift you into a state of innocence, what will? When you’re standing in nature and looking at the mountains and the trees and the birds, and you’re standing there seeing magnificence and the beauty and all the perfection in it all and you know it’s an extension of you and it’s all here for you, that’s innocence.

Innocence is oneness. Innocence is pure love. Innocence is allowing your pure light to shine through you. Being impeccable means that you do not drag yourself down into lack and limitation and separation and create a gap in order to create and practice mastery, to stay in a state of being impeccable, in alignment or in accordance to the highest, to the highest good, to the highest standards, to the highest perspective, to the highest viewpoint, which from your state of innocence you know you can align to. But you don’t have it from your human thinking mind. Your human thinking mind can’t figure out the bigger picture, can’t figure out the highest perspective, is never going to figure out what’s going on. As you expand your consciousness and awareness, you’ll feel into it and you’ll know, but it’s not because your human mind figured it out. It’s not because your human mind achieved a state of enlightenment. That’s not it at all.

Open and allow energy. Fully receive. Allow energy to serve you. Stay in a state of innocence. Stay in a state of impeccableness. Allow your consciousness to expand. Allow your awareness to expand. Be here, be present now, feel all of your power like never before, and love yourself, love this moment, love your life, love this world, love this human experience. Oh, and then watch what it’s like to live the most magical and miraculous and extraordinary life you could ever possibly imagine. And so it is. And so it is.

We love you so much. We love you so much. And we know there is intensity in our message to you, but it is the most intense love and knowing of the truth of who you are.

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 19, 2020

Innocence means you’re free. Innocence means you’re light-hearted. All is well, you’re joyful, you’re uplifted, there’s that twinkle in your eye, there’s that radiance about you. That’s innocence. Anytime you need to open up to your innocence, shift your gaze up to the sky, look up towards the sun or the beautiful clouds in the sky or the moon or the stars and smile.

There’s this whole big universe and then there’s you, and you’re the center of the universe, and the whole universe is here for you. If that does not shift you into a state of innocence, what will? When you’re standing in nature and looking at the mountains and the trees and the birds, and you’re standing there seeing magnificence and the beauty and all the perfection in it all and you know it’s an extension of you and it’s all here for you, that’s innocence.

Innocence is oneness. Innocence is pure love. Innocence is allowing your pure light to shine through you. Being impeccable means that you do not drag yourself down into lack and limitation and separation and create a gap in order to create and practice mastery, to stay in a state of being impeccable, in alignment or in accordance to the highest, to the highest good, to the highest standards, to the highest perspective, to the highest viewpoint, which from your state of innocence you know you can align to. But you don’t have it from your human thinking mind. Your human thinking mind can’t figure out the bigger picture, can’t figure out the highest perspective, is never going to figure out what’s going on. As you expand your consciousness and awareness, you’ll feel into it and you’ll know, but it’s not because your human mind figured it out. It’s not because your human mind achieved a state of enlightenment. That’s not it at all.

Open and allow energy. Fully receive. Allow energy to serve you. Stay in a state of innocence. Stay in a state of impeccableness. Allow your consciousness to expand. Allow your awareness to expand. Be here, be present now, feel all of your power like never before, and love yourself, love this moment, love your life, love this world, love this human experience. Oh, and then watch what it’s like to live the most magical and miraculous and extraordinary life you could ever possibly imagine. And so it is. And so it is.

We love you so much. We love you so much. And we know there is intensity in our message to you, but it is the most intense love and knowing of the truth of who you are.

The Wisdom of The Council channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on January 19, 2020

To purchase the channeled audio recording from the live Masters Class call on January 19, 2020 CLICK HERE.

Audio recording and transcript of the full channeled message, including Q&A, is available to members of the MASTERS CLASS Advanced Program who are subscribed at the time of the recording.

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Additional FREE RESOURCES available at: www.saralandon.com